Thursday, March 21, 2013

Hardway or The Highway

       At what point does it hit you that your family is just freeloading? Well this isn't just about that but when I saw how these freaking freeloaders think they're entitled to lay claim to other peoples homes while they're away or a home is empty....well what kind of bull---- is that?
      They claim religion, entitlement, homesteading ! Send in Judge Judy !!!
These are not people who are taking advantage of an opportunity like you and I would, these are just people who take. When you and I see an opportunity, we usually pay in some way. These free loaders wants us to pay !
      Look at people who are homeless but have cell phones. I've seen them! One guy sat and just smiled as he asked for money while he was on the phone. If I had the nerve I would have leaned over and taken some of that donated money to send to St. Judes. These people are parasites. So glad I heard that word again because that's all they are.
      Let the government dress them up and send them to Afghanistan. They won't be homeless anymore and maybe become human. Okay get off your high horse, I'm not talking about the true homeless, people who really suffer, people who feel shame about losing their lives to the streets, shelters, cars and where the economy has destroyed families.
     Those poor people deserve a helping hand, because they at one time and maybe are still trying to live like decent people. Now take a look at your own family. Do you have a brother or sister who just hangs out all the time, finally moves in, no job, watches TV all day, eats everything is sight, doesn't help around the house or outside. Here is my advice:
      Before you address them, make sure you can go through with it. Make a list of what they have to do in order to live free in your home if you don't want your blood pressure to go up including getting a job and have a timetable to move. Also find out about shelters in your areas or other areas. Be prepared!
     After you talk to your advantage taking person and give a time limit too, and they do nothing, pack them up and drive them to a shelter. Get ready to have your locks changed. They won't leave? Check the law. You might have to give a legal eviction notice. See what you get for helping.
         Sorry about that. I do believe in helping all you can, but not in others helping themselves while you work, cook, take care of the kids, pay bills and do what most good people do. So make it, the hard way or the highway. Then you'll have

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