Monday, March 18, 2013

I Dare Ya...

     I 've listed already what I am doing every day, Five good things. 
            Healthy breakfast
            work on my books(one finished titled, Reverend Joe and the Road Crew, takes place in Brooklyn )
            11:00 a.m. workout two hours
            work on sewing bags for new site
            Now the 5th thing
                                               for me is to work on my house, something different every day. I have a small house, and only me for now, two rooms pretty nice, with one completely finished. The rest needs new carpeting, and a great new bed would be nice, a new kitchen floor and just those "things."
        On any days I don't complete all five I will make  a point to do good for someone else which I try anyway. Yet I find myself going out a lot less lately.

Another issue I need to do more of is add traffic
Any ideas?
    Oh, here is a good deed today, if you live in the York Pa. area and need repairs to your home, contact Ron Myrnes. He is fair, honest and ethical and this guy can do just about anything at all. 717-887-4219

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