Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Unclaimed Pioneer Funds ? Who do they belong to?

Do you invest? I did. quite a long time ago someone referred me to a local investment company, told me to see a Mr. Baker and I don't remember if that's who I met with but he had me write out three different checks to the Bank of Boston at the same time. This gets good. They were cashed and a month later I walked back in and he said me to, it's gone, just gone. He never gave me a perspective or any paperwork telling me my canceled check was all I needed. I asked about the money being gone and he said this happens when you invest, but I was told all about Pioneer funds from this guy, how long staying they were etc. Oh, even doing 12% during the war. I still have the canceled checks.
      About a week ago I was looking in a few states to see if somehow I ended up in an unclaimed property site. No, I didn't, but Pioneer did. In Boston Mass. Pioneer, investment has money in a lost and unclaimed property site ! How does this happen. IS that my money? I invested twenty-seven hundred dollars ad I Will Never Stop bad mouthing Pioneer for feeling like, knowing they screwed me over.
   I was a young single mom who believed an investor wanting to do something good for the future for my kids. Good going Pioneer, you not only lost my money or maybe it's in Boston, but I know think you probably screwed over others.

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