Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Oz's Wife GREAT!!! Oregano oil-Parasites

      I think I saw her on his show before and I couldn't help but think how she compares to Dr. Phil's wife. First the huge difference is Oz. who is a Heart Surgeon and Phil is a mental health professional, psychologist? Oz doesn't appear cocky...enough said about the men. The wives. Mrs. McGraw just appears too fake looking and to be fair, maybe I'm jealous but she always has a vanity screen on her face, and it's too obvious. She is probably a very nice woman, yet kind of plastic. Again, maybe because I'm, well...I'll drop that too. Yeah...I know how I sound.
     Now Mrs. Dr. OZ..never got her first name, but this woman appears down to earth, very pretty, not swathed in make-up and not dramatic. I watch Mrs. Oz look at her husband and it's realistic while he looks at her so lovingly. She has talents which work with his life and I'm not too sure what it is as I came in to the show late. She was doing reflexology on OZ with Reflexology socks on him.
     Mrs. Oz has many good ideas about health and this family uses them. The biggest thing today was parasites and it's a good idea to get a test. Here Mrs. Oz lived with back pain for eight years an no one knew why. Finally it was found she had parasites.
    Oil of Oregano kills parasites. The OZ family suggests to add a drop on your toothbrush and you can then add a tiny bit of toothpaste to cover the taste.
   This is a first for me, but todays' show is worthwhile to look up, read the information about parasites and worms. Over 6 billion people have worms and close to that with parasites. Honestly I don't remember the number as I am just tired, but this was important to get out. Please read the Dr. Oz show for today and then get tested for parasites and worms.
    Note: In case you didn't know, a vanity screen is place in front of actors and actresses to give their complexion a smooth look-check out NCIS with Mark Harmon-all of the characters, well just about, look as if they don't have a blemish or a wrinkle, just nice pure smooth skin. Oh lord, send me a vanity screen.

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