Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Pioneer investments suck!

     This is just a way to blow off steam. talk about being taken advantage of. What really happened to my money? Three different checks made out at the same time, maybe one to pioneer funds, pioneer bonds and Pioneer losers? To top that off each and every one just disappeared as if I never gave that guy any money. The bank of Boston is now know by another name, but to search and find PIONEER has lost money in an unclaimed property site in Boston Mass.!!!!
      So if they lose their own money what do the do with yours? I know what they did with mine. Well I don't know. I gave it, trusting to a man in a company who wrote a mark on every check, and then I never see a dime. Good going Pioneer. Screw who you can. What goes around... at twelve percent interest by now would be about 78 thousand, but in the year I invested it would be a little over three thousand. WHAT DID YOU DO WITH MY MONEY PIONEER?

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