Saturday, March 30, 2013

Pancreatic Cancer 90% Accuracy

      This was known within the last six months, at least for TV so how long before that, I don't know. Who discovered it? His name is Jack Andraka and he was 15 at the time. He discovered a Biomarker for pancreatic cancer which has a 90 % accuracy rate. SO, if he could do that,a teen, a kid, why didn't the scientific researchers do this years ago with all of the money donated for such illnesses? Business? God forbid a cure would be discovered ! See more.
      Then we have Yamini Naidu who at 17 yrs old, has discovered a new and better way to treat meth addictions. Better yet we have 17 yr. old Brittany Wenger who developed a way to detect 99.9 % of the time, Breast cancer, 5 % more than anyone else.
   Also there is Amy Chyao who discovered a way to treat skin cancer-she was 18 when I last saw her on TV but I saw her concerning this two years ago !!! It's called Photo dynamic Cancer.
   Last I have a 13-14 yr.old who developed an innovative way to help the hearing impaired  hear music and improve the ability to feel music.
            These are kids ! Maybe we are paying the wrong people ! After all how many years did it takes these grown men and women to complete school, while the kids are still in school. Does the government and pharmaceutical firms benefit from lack of discoveries? I think I refer to rely on the truth from these kids.

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