Sunday, March 10, 2013

Pedophiles in Church ?

      It's all we hear at this time of electing a new pope. In the end, interviews each and every time hit the church where it hurts, child molestation.  Yes we all have a right to know what the church will do if there is a next time a child is molested. Will they hide the pedophile by transferring him or her to save face as they have done in the past, or will they drop him or her like they deserve. I think the latter, well at least I hope so.
      In an interview this morning the Sunday Morning show, interviewed new priests and asked about marriage. One guy was honest enough to answer, yes, I would marry if it was offered. Another guy had that effeminate lisp that many of us know to be possibly gay.
     What many forget is everyone is entitled to what ever career they choose and are fitted to be. to may focus on the fact that so many pedophiles were found to hide in the Catholic Church and yes, I believe we should never close an eye to those possibilities again. Being Gay doesn't mean you're a pedophile or the fact that you may want to marry, that you'll take your frustrations out on kids. It just means, you might be gay and or want to marry.
     Pedophiles hide out in every area of our lives, schools, Synagogues, Lutheran churches, on the board of some high and might committee and in our own homes, our own fathers and brothers and sometimes mothers. Who hides them the most? Their spouses. There is always suspicion, but rarely confrontation
     Give this new Pope a chance, but keep your eyes on your kids always. Your best friend? Do you really know what's in his mind?

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