Monday, March 4, 2013

Encourage your kids to...Educate about...

    Ride a bike, Play the Piano, learn sign language and anything else you can think of, but never discourage.
     I know most schools now teach kids basic sign language, but to learn it completely as a translator and have a degree in it will take them anywhere they want to live. Kids should have two at least, forms of education, academic and vocational.
      Do you remember wishing, I wish I could play the piano, but never doing it? I do. Any instrument is great to learn. Someone gave me a Piano Cd one year for Christmas and I play it at least once a week. My son played the drums and my daughter played the piano. Both had lessons and both stopped. I think it was because I could no longer afford it, but whatever reason a child's stops, encourage them to pick up something else, like writing, drawing, painting  and things that don't cost much money.
     Some kids if old enough can get a job and pay themselves which they will appreciate much more as having earned it. Think about kids with special need who do wonderful things and what it takes many to lean one small thing.
    We really do have to get back to old ways as some say and think. As adults think about how your child spends their time. TV, Video games, head sets? What should they be doing instead? The park, a gym, swimming , creative writing, exploring, learning, library, cooking, cleaning, taking care of pets, helping in the home or helping in general. Teach your children, and they will come back to it when you least expect it.

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