Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Cardinal W.F. Napier, CRAPOLA

      This was on my screen today when I went on line. This Cardinal has the thought process that molestation is not a crime but an illness and should be treated as such. Only after another man of the cloth, an archbishop challenged Napiers statement did Napier add a switch to his feelings about children being molested, yet he also stated that most who molest have been molested. SO WHAT!
     Many who have been molested DON'T do what was done to them but go on to protect other children from pedophiles. Napier states they are not pedophiles but have an illness. This was on a radio station where he was filling in for Cardinal Dolan. Maybe Dolan should ask what the topic will be before radio time, and now as I write this I think differently. Dolan a seemingly good guy may have stopped Napier and we may never have known how Napier feels.
     I can't help but think if Napier is getting ready to protect either himself or someone else. Sure pedophiles need treatment, but it is still very much a crime. A crime committed by those closest to the child, such as a parent or people in authority, and may times a friendly neighbor.
    In the end Napier admitted that Pedophiles have an illness and the illness should be treated and the molestation is a crime. CRAPOLA!!! He only said this after pressure from the church. Politics.

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