Sunday, March 31, 2013

ARACHNOIDITIS,Spine Punctures/Edidurals and

       Many people haven't heard of it yet but those who have it know it well. Arachnoiditis has quite a few causes but most people who have it, have had a needle puncture to the spine, a trauma, surgeries, dye from Myelograms. Mine comes from the dye and followed up by the surgeries.
    To find a doctor who specializes in this appears impossible, so if anyone knows let me know please, so I can pass it on and use it myself. I didn't learn about the dye remaining in my body until I had to have an ultrasound and the tech told me you still have it, I can see it. That was about twelve years later an the first time I learned about how the dye remains.
    This arachnoiditis causes so much pain in all areas of your body it can make you nuts, so I prefer to be nuts anyway, so I can't tell why I am behaving like a nut. Kidding of course, but when I say make you nuts, it makes you feel like a hypochondriac. Each new pain makes you think, I better get this checked out. Am I having ---whatever is happening at the time and how you relate it to whatever.
    Trying to search a new symptom I learned women who have epidurals also have a high incidence of having or getting it years down the road. Ladies find a lawyer. When I learned of mine I was told the law would not accept any lawsuits because there are so many with arachnoiditis. I should have tried anyway because a doctor told me this and I trusted him.
     I had my first and second surgery at York Hospital in York PA. The doctor, who passed away ten days after the second surgery left plastic, blood vessel clips and a three inch piece of plastic just laying near and on my spine. I was very fortunate that all I suffered with the following three years was pain.
    York Hospital's Steve Littleson, told me to get a lawyer and speak to their risk nurse, that there was no reason in the file that gave as any reason for anything to be left in my back. This also added more scar tissue. I did see a lawyer almost a year and a half later(after a third surgery ) who told me, everyone loved that doctor and you won't win. I easily gave up as I was also easily intimidated in those years. The third surgery took place at James Lawrence Kernan hospital in Baltimore, suggested by someone in my church. The young woman who suggested it was Dr, Malinas' nurse and he operated on her too, leaving her damaged. Dr. Robert Layne and Dr. Robert Abrams did a fusion and removed the objects. Dr. Layne told me, I can't believe old Steve would do this, and what was he thinking, as in Dr. Steve Malina.
     It took years for me to understand all that was involved and who was involved. A medical community to protect each other in the medical profession and the hospital. Why didn't I think then about all of those in the room during surgery. Who was responsible? Everyone. What happens when it attacks:
        *** Feelings of knives stabbing you in the groin, rib and back area
        ***Sweats, nausea, numbness in legs and feet
        ***Needles and pins in legs and feet
         ***Feeling of bugs crawling up you legs
With each new symptom a visit to the doctor, who pays? We do.Donations accepted gratefully at pay pal to Doozybags to help with medical bills.
    If I had to do it all over again, I would never, ever have another surgery for my back. By the way, this also happens in the neck. Ladies, moms, women, do whatever you need to do to avoid an epidural. It will save you a life time of pain.
By the way, I never recovered any compensation at all, not even an apology. That's York Hospital. Medical expenses rise as well know, but when it's the fault of a hospital, it's good to research all about these things, at your specific hospital.

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