Friday, March 1, 2013

Single Dads Vs. Stay at Home Dads

      What's the difference? Support is the difference. There are so many single father's who do a great job, but what do many people think about more? Deadbeat dads. What about deadbeat moms? More and more life takes a seesaw effect. Change happens with the economy. In addition because a mom or dad doesn't have custody it doesn't mean they're a poor parent. We just don't know why. The most likely reason is again, economics. Sure there are the no-good parents. We know who many of them are, may even have been raised by them, but let's not assume.

     What I don't understand is why single dads are seemingly getting more praise than single moms. To be honest maybe I feel that way because I am a woman and a single mom, with now grown children on their own. But I never received praise. Myself and many women received catty comments such as, oh she must be....all kinds of names, yet a single guy gets, oh you must be such a great dad. What a bunch of crapola! You can be either a poor or good parent, married or single. Take people as they are. Don't group them all together.

    Now stay at home dads; Recently there was an article on line about what stay at home dads do better. I didn't even bother to read it. Why? Because again it comes down to the individual. Dads who stay at home are just as fortunate as moms who stay at home for any kind of reason. It usually comes down to who can earn more money, economics. But also in that equation other factors should come into play. Will one parent be a better stay at home parent ? Most times, no. What about health benefits ? Which parent has benefits that will benefit the family as a whole. Do stay at home parents think about the time when the kids enter school ?

     What then? Start looking now? Train for a job that will offer a better future now? Do on-line education ? Go back to your old job, No. If it didn't support the family then it won't now. Which ever gender stays home, you should prepare always, for a just in case happening. What if your spouse loses their job? Get something serious your kids will be proud of. Start a stay at home business? Start a community support business? Has anyone ever heard of dads doing a day care? Why not? Because old thinking that men can't do it as well as women, or aren't trustworthy. Stereotypical Crapola! They can do it just as well and are just as trustworthy.
All in all, we all need to support families...enough said.

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