Friday, March 1, 2013

Congress 4 day Work? Week? QUITTERS !!!

       As I watched these men and women leave this morning before ten a.m. with the attitude they couldn't do anymore at this point, I see why so many every day people give up. Look who we have elected to congress! QUITTERS!
   They couldn't even bother to finish a five day week as most AMERICANS-(who elect them)- do with some effort !  What an example they set for the world, but   do they really care?
    Nah...why should they? We elected them to get paid anyway, get great benefits, not have to stand on unemployment lines, have wonderful retirement plans, not pay into social security because they'll get a great compensation package anyway. These "people who care" need to go without all of the benefits they thinks they are so deserving of. CITIZENS, remember today in the next election-FIRE THEM ALL!!!

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