Friday, March 1, 2013

Products, Martha vs. Big Lots & Ollies

       A few days ago I went to Big Lots. Try as I might to buy only American products, America itself makes it hard to do, but outsourcing jobs sending a message to Americans that, you're not good enough. Okay, I am getting distracted already with a subject that just pisses me off, so back on track.

    I don't know where Martha's products are made as I just don't buy them. When someone makes as much as she does and sure, well earned, but is charged with tax fraud or some crapola fraud, that's just plain greed.

   Well I hit Big lots to buy curtains or drapes within my budget which is very little. While Martha charges 19.97 for one curtain panel or drapery panel, I found a decent pair at Big Lots for 12.00 . I don't trust my sewing skills to make something fairly nice for the living room, but will for other rooms, you know the rooms people don't see.

    Here is another idea for curtain or drapery shopping. If you can afford it, hire an American neighbor to do the job. It keeps the American working.

Good luck with your bargain shopping !

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