Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Famous Judge, Her son and the Media

       First, The Media SUCKS BIG TIME!!! Why even mention Judge Judy? I say it now as it's already out, but notice I didn't use it as a heading in my post. The media tries to tie in all kinds of crap. Basically the story is this guy roomed with another guy, and a sheriff suggests a lot of help is being given to the alleged rapist who supposedly raped a twelve year old. She is now 15 and just bringing charges.
     People want to know why now. I'll tell you why now, because at twelve years old a kid is afraid and I'm surprised she has what it takes now to do this. You know how many years it takes victims of all kids of abuse to talk? Do you idiots who ask why so long?
     The judge doesn't have anything to do with this and it appears. I say appears the sheriff has it in for her son-yet who really knows. Two men shared a home and that is the key to this whole nasty story. People are throwing stone who are jealous or have nothing better to do.
   The Media who sucks is focusing more on the relationship/friendship of the two men rather than the victim. Shame on them! One guy helps another out by offering him a place to live, families knew each other for years, but you and I both know, you never really know anyone. No one knows yet if this guy raped this girl, just him and the girl. So Media pricks, stay focused on the case, the child, the alleged rapist. All that other crap can be addressed at a later time or do you have nothing better to do.

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