Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Valerie Harper, Brain Cancer

       Today the news was heard concerning Valerie Harper's Terminal Brain Cancer and the prognosis is three months. We all hate that word, Cancer, and I still don't understand why in this great country with all of the scientific research, we haven't found a cure yet. Or have we, but we would give up so much money if a cure is available.
     A few months ago a young high school student found a cure for  a certain type of cancer, so why can't grown men and women who have been doing this for years and years with all of the education, money and labs, show the same, why?
Why does a high school kid studying science discover a cure. About a month ago four to six kids were on TV with all of the wonderful discoveries they researched and found cures for. What the hell is going on? Should we put high school students in charge of not only finding the cures, but talking out about them? Where are all of the donations going to? Prove it!

   IS the government behind this? I have to believe so. More and more we are learning that we have cancer cell in us, but what we do to our bodies and how we live feeds them or not. It's also more than that, I'm fairly certain, such as where you live, stress levels. Read about the Blue Zones where they have the least amount of cancers and heart attacks anywhere in the world.

     Valerie Harper, I sincerely wish something changes, a miracle happens for you and miracles do happen, I believe that. I'm sure you have at least a million prayers going to God for you every day. You deserve a miracle. No one deserves cancer. Valerie Harper you gave so much happiness, joy, laughter and more to millions of viewers for years. I believe we have Angels here on earth and that you are one. It isn't over yet Valerie and your statement about being here now, is something we should all think about. No one else should die from cancer.

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