Saturday, March 2, 2013

Michelle Dances, Congress QUITS, R these Role Models

       How many have seen a few latest photo ops for Michelle Obama. She still travels, still makes appearances that don't have any bearing on improving the country, just more use of tax payer dollars and Congress QUITS.
     The Blame game goes all the way to the top. Is this the message we want to send to our kids. When a child asks mom or dad why they can no longer afford to pay rent or the mortgage, mom and dad will say, well son, Congress can't get along and so these people who make decisions for the country just up and took a day off. Now the public will pay.
   But dad, the son asks how come Mrs. Obama can afford to travel and be on television. Well son, that's because she doesn't pay for it and she also gets people to protect her, not like us who live regular every day lives.
   But dad what about the president? He gets protected too right? So why doesn't he make sure we're protected? Well son he just doesn't really have to worry about the public right now.
   I know I got off track, but I'm sure you get the point. I opened up my PC this morning and the first thing I see is Michelle Obama on Rachael Ray, and she was on Dr. OZ the other day. Who pays for this celebrity status she's wants so badly? Okay Democrats will say but she's pushing health. BIG FREAKIN DEAL !
She isn't the type of person we need doing this stuff-we need to hear more from nutritionists and professionals, and how moms and dads feed their kids and get them to move, not Michelle. Yes, I know she's a mom, but at what cost does these appearances cost the American public.
   If she wants to do good, put on a pair of jeans and help rebuild homes, feed people, clothe people, work in Aids clinics, volunteer at hospitals that are shorthanded. Stop being Mrs. Celebrity, unless of course that's your goal after the white house, moving to Hollywood.

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