Sunday, March 10, 2013

Haunt Your State Reps to...

       Do you know someone who had died of cancer? I know I may be on a round trip here, but it's the voters who can make changes and congress won't act until we do, if we do.
     Fill their e mails with your heart. Tell them you want a cure for cancer. Another child or mom or dad, or someone without a family should not die from any cancer related disease. I will find the e mail addresses again and post them in the next two days-no excuses.
     Billions of dollars went to find as close to a cure for HIV and AIDS and CANCER has been around a lot longer so has the money for it? WHY, WHY, WHY is Cancer being held back for  a cure or at least as arresting as HIV and AIDS? If enough congressmen and women had families who died from it, I bet things would change. But they have more money, more health benefits, a better life style, so as not to be affected as much with Cancer.
      As we are finding out, we all have cancer cells in our bodies, but stress, atmosphere, food, smoking, alcohol and more triggers Cancer. Look at people who live near waste sites! Look up lawsuits for dump sites and the cancer rates. Do you think a congressman lives near a dump site? Remember the story of
Erin Brockcovich ? Check it out. If one person can do what she did, Imagine what  we all can do!!!

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