Sunday, March 17, 2013

Crystal Light, Good ?

       If you like artificial colors and artificial sweeteners, then go for it. First read the labels, and then check out what kind of sweetener they use and the damages it causes and then look at the dyes. Dyes in foods, and beverages have been known for a very long time to cause ADD. We have had warnings about artificial sweeteners causing or aggravating triggers to increase cancers.
      There are many beverages out there to enjoy, but read the labels and know what you're putting in your mouth, teeth and liver. The best beverage is as we all know is water. I am by far not perfect, but am very conscious as each day passes what is better to eat or drink than what I, want, to eat or drink. Yes, I falter at times, but I know, once I started Forks over Knives, I was not only healthier, but happier. That took about five days for me to notice something changed.
     Then I realized it was me, but what caused it? What was I doing different? It was the food. I ate oatmeal with cinnamon and nuts, or scrambled eggs, a chicken sandwich which I use a n inexpensive slicer, add mustard and for supper, sweet potatoes, vegetable and maybe a salad too. Sometimes I made whole wheat pasta, added fruits and vegetables with a little drizzle of oil and vinegar.
   Good luck with small changes. By the way, this isn't just about Crystal Light, but about any beverage with anything added that isn't natural.

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