Thursday, March 21, 2013

Molester Moves Next door to Victim

His name is Oliver Larry Beck. He is 65years old and was convicted of indecent assault of a person under the age of thirteen. He spent 23 months in prison, but when he got out was allowed to move back home.
     Back home is his house right next door to this child !!!! This is in upper Milford County PA. How is this allowed. This is a child molester and is allowed to go back home to the same home next to his victim.
     Every day Oliver Larry Beck lives in that home that poor child has daily reminders of this no good pedophile. He is now on Megan's Law list. There has to be an answer to get him out, away from the child, away from children.
     The mom of the victim wants to try to force the pervert to buy her home so they can move away because who want to live near a child molester, except other molesters. The state can't force this to happen, but what she can do is sue his filthy self to the nth degree, and he'll say he only has his home as an asset, so she won't get any money, but she can put  a lien on his home for the full amount of the lawsuit and when he dies, she will then get what her child is owed.
     But, in the meantime, what can she do ? Can she and her husband move elsewhere? Sure if they can afford it and then rent the home to singles. There is an island that holds only child molesters of the worst kind and yes, some are worse than others, maybe he can move there.
     Perverts who do this should be made to sell their home and give it to the victim, but mostly what I'd like to know is how is he allowed to move back to his home, next to the person, the child, the victim, again so he continues to victimize??? One last note. Twenty-three months is not enough for stealing a childs life, the one they are born with. It's a good thing he doesn't live in Brooklyn!!!

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