Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Coupons vs. Healthy Living

        I know this sounds nuts in some way, but the more you use coupons, the higher your chances are you're not eating well, and by that I mean healthy. Look at the coupons we get in the mail, the newspapers and or at coupon clubs. Most are for frozen foods, foods with preservatives in it, cereals with colors in them, and products with chemicals in them.
     They entice us to spend more than we "NEED TO"  telling us we "save". How do we save if we never needed to spend in the first place?
    Today I listed to the Live Well Network. The two biggest carpet cleaners are vinegar and hydrogen peroxide.

     I think many knew about vinegar as a window cleaner. Years ago I used it as someone who had a cleaning service but whew, I could have saved so much if I knew now about chemicals and the products on store shelves that not only cost too much, but cost too much with our skin.
    I had a sister-in-law who always wore gloves. At that time it was to protect her hands from so much water, but thinking back, she also protected herself from the chemicals.
   Shop the outside isles, which I'm sure you have heard of before so I don't want to preach to the choir. But the next time you decide to use coupons, look at the ingredients and think about need vs. cost. If you're a mom or a new mom or dad, join a baby junk club, recycle baby wear, use diapers, feed your child all natural and they will thank you for it. We are to prepare the next generation by keeping our world healthy and that starts with us and how we spend, our values. It starts with everything as natural as possible. Love your children, love yourself.

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