Thursday, March 7, 2013

Three Good Cardinals

   Like many I watched the cardinals walk into that secret place to work on selecting a new Pope. I am not Catholic, but also like many we are very aware of the mass of priests who have molested children and as one Cardinal walked in, he turned and waved to the cameras. He is not eligible to be voted in as a Pope,because he has at least one accusation of child molestation. Yes I am aware it's just an accusation.
   But why even mention that on the news, and more important, why allow his word to count? Just my opinion.
   **** On the news this morning I saw a Cardinal walking in to the sanctuary and he was saluted! How or why is a Cardinal saluted when he is not in the military? That to me appears very pretentious. Do they think they equal to military personal? This really threw me. **********
    There is a group of people whose name escapes me. They are watchers of the Catholic Church, some of them have been molested by priests. These people appear to do their job well and have search the pasts of these men who are cardinals, something we seem to forget with people in power. They are still just men, or just women. Anyway this group has narrowed the selection down to three specific Cardinals who don't have any dirt in their past, at least hasn't been discovered, and as important, two of them have been very outspoken about the sins of priests, what should happen and have fought to change things.
     Now that's all well and good, but how many times have we heard about people who return to the scene of the crime? They love the attention of being up front and not getting caught.
     The bottom line is this: With anyone in power we must be extra vigilant with our children. Make sure they are not alone and don't trust that sweet old man or lady down the street. How well do you know anyone enough to trust your kids with? Finally what's more important, hurting a persons feelings or protecting your family?
    As a side note I apologize if I have offended anyone who is Catholic, as that is not my intention. I only try to understand how and why things work as they do,   and to protect children.

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