Thursday, March 28, 2013

Lyme Disease feels like...

       I found out all it took was a blood test to know if I had Lyme disease or not. For months before, many, many months, I was feeling so tired and knew that wasn't like me at all. My joints hurt and many times I felt like I was just going to pass out. The symptoms are different in many and the same in many.
     Every doctor has a different opinion on the effects and will treat it accordingly, but all you have to do is ask for a blood test for Lyme disease. There are a few blogs on this and one lady has a lot of info, so search it out. Doctors are human and make mistakes, so help yourself, get tested.
       The tick that bit me got in between my toes and when I ripped it out it felt like Velcro coming apart. I never thought much more about it because I never noticed that rash that people talk about.
        Yet it seemed like a year later I was having all kinds of feeling, sometimes thinking I just don't have any motivation. I'd sit on the sofa and suddenly couldn't even sit up, fall back down and sleep. Waking up I was as tired as when I first sat down. Thoughts of age, depression, all kind of nutty thoughts went through me.
      I was so glad when I had that blood test, because a tick bite can affect your heart and other organs if left untreated. When it came back positive I felt relief and was given a strong antibiotic. In a few days I was back to myself.
     Get tested, if for nothing else to get it off your mind.

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