Monday, March 18, 2013

Yea Hank Greenburg 87yrs old

    I have been listening to Charlies Rose with Hank Greenburg. This man whom I've never heard of before, makes me wish I knew him years ago. I can learn from him. He had something to do with AIG, lost 90 % of his holdings when they fired him.
   But what this gentleman is so pissed off at is the Government taking, taking from a private company, without giving concerns of AIG, telling them they will fire someone, not Hank Greenburg at the time, and then that man who was to be fired, was to sign a paper. That man refused, so the government had someone else sign this paper, and he then resigned three days later.
      Hank Greenburg said something to tehe effect we should then just smile and eat our rice. Good one. That concerned the government just taking property.

    Sound confusing? It is to me too, but for some reason I understood as it went along in the interview. I didn't hear it from the start, but the end result is Hank Greenburg is suing the government for wrong doing. YEA!!!
    Good for you Hank Greenburg for doing what is right, for trying to undo a wrong. I hope you win a million times over again! You are who more Americans should strive to be like. Let the principle win, Let Hank Greenburg win!

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