Thursday, March 14, 2013

Yellow 5 & 6 Food dyes=Ecezma & ADD

     Among other issues with children, these dyes add to, cause, aggravate eczema and ADD. While this is nothing new to me, it is on Dr. Oz today, and if you see and hear it, I hope you change food with food dyes. I didn't know food dyes "add" ecezma, and probably many more we don't know about.
    I knew about this because a person I was related to was told by the family doctor to take food dye from the child's food to help lessen the stimulation/hyperactivity. The show today was specifically about Kraft Macaroni and cheese whose food dye is actually called "petroleum  food dyes" and is approved by the FDA in the US-But Not in ENGLAND   !!!
     So does England care more about their children than our own government?
    Do you know the primary colors for art? Red, yellow and blue.  You don't want them in your foods ! Use natural foods like blueberries, strawberries, Raspberries. In the past few days my grandson  sat at the table and picked the fresh blueberries out of his pancakes. I wanted happily as he ate every single one of them. He then ate his silver dollar sized pancakes, got up, went to the fridge and asked, berries? berries? He also loves sweet potatoes.
                           Sometimes I think the Mormons got it right.
Oh, by the way, Kraft. made a statement in answer to the Oz show, that they have made changes. The people who do the checking about food dyes said, yes, but Kraft still has over thirty products with these food colors/dyes in them.
    GO natural...not as in naked, but food people, food. NAtural is better.

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