Thursday, March 7, 2013

Salt & FAT Brain white matter

      The latest is as you have probably already heard is salt affects your immune system, triggering MS. Well I knew it helps maintain fat as in keeps you fat, raises blood pressure. I quit salt use about three to four years ago. Many hings raise blood pressure like my favorite start to the day coffee.
   Did you know high blood pressure leads to the destruction of white brain matter, causing Alzheimer's? Neither did I until I was told. I  have become more aware of what I eat and drink.
   Back to salt triggering MS, so is this like cancer cells? Do we have these diseases in our bodies and it takes an unknown to trigger it. So does this mean we better go all natural? We do need iodine so if you quit salt altogether replace it with sea salt with Iodine or talk to a doctor or herbalist, and just as good, research on your own to see what foods have iodine in them-as I said, the more you eat naturally, the healthier you'll be.
   Cancer and now MS is proving this to be true. As mentioned in another blog of mine, we have cancer cells in us, but something triggers them into attack mode. Foods, stress, negative people and more I'm sure. So take care of you and you'll be here to raise your children.

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