Sunday, March 10, 2013

Why not? Church in a Bar :)

    Original? I don't think so but I also don't pretend to know the Bible and all of the places where Jesus taught, but some memory tell me he went where sinners are. But all of us are sinners, aren't we?
    I didn't read the article about the Bar Church, but guessing alcohol isn't served unless it's communion Sunday-smile. At least then you get a shot of real wine. People may even be more open to relaxing in their own atmosphere. Ridiculous? I honestly don't think so. Who came up with the idea that church has to be a certain kind of building anyway?
    Which religion is correct in how they build? We all think our own is right, but what if we don't belong to a church? Maybe no one has ever asked us to join and we take that as a sign we're not good enough. It's like being invited to a wedding and you get seated with people who other perceive you as "where they belong" or not quite classy enough to sit with the proper class of people.
   I know, all appear to be well meaning or are they? Is it just they don't want the classier people to know you actually know someone of a lesser class? Personally like many, I have met all kinds of people and some of the lowest appearing in class have more class than those we expect to have a higher standard of class.
   Okay so people who like to go to a bar aren't good enough for the Sunday Regulars who attend church...let's say we stick to that. What would Jesus say about it? Does everyone know what the church goers are like once they leave church? Same goes for the bar-tenders. How different are we after all.
   I know a guy who belonged, think he still does to a big Assembly of God church, molested boys, was also a principal in a high school locally. He confessed to the board. His family has a prominent name, big in the church, so of curse what happened. The guy said God forgave him, so in turn did the board. His accusers came forward when they were finally able to, but after years of self mutilation by addictions, people chose not to believe them, and others back ed out. I know this is all true because I went to a lawyer with the story for one of the boys. The "guy" ? His aunt told me how he confessed to the board.
   That"guy" resigned from the High school, but he and his wife still attended and took part in children's pageants. She knew too. So who are we to say Church should not be in a bar. As I know and As I know you know, sinners are everywhere. Maybe too, a bar is less pretentious, well the people anyway.
   I don't mean any of this to offend anyone and if you're honest with your self reading this, you know it's true. Check this out too. How many wives look at other husbands and watch women flirt with their spouses-IN CHURCH!
    The next time I'm in a bar, I might just ask someone, do you think Jesus would mind if you are here? Church isn't a place, it's just a building. To me church is where ever you are with God.

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