Wednesday, March 27, 2013

GYNO & Smell ...

       What do you think this is about? Nooooo....Here is what it is about. Ladies, when you see your obgyn do you ever think about odors and being clean enough? Sure ya do, don't most people with a sound mind. Well about a month ago a female gyno doc was a guest on Oz, that's Dr. Oz to you, oh call him what you will. So the questions was asked to this doc, what offends you most about your patients and she very bluntly answered, the smell. AT that point they took a break. Yup, to make sure you come back.
        So when they come back they repeat the question, all TV bull crapola, and he asks again, so what is this odor that offends you? Is it...and she smiles and answers, not what you think Dr. Oz. IT's Smelly FEET !!!
    It Makes sense, doesn't it ? So ladies and men too, when you have to see doctors for those ever so personal visits, check other areas in the same proximately for freshness. When you bend, don't offend :)

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