Monday, March 18, 2013

Hot Soup Lawsuits, Crapola! Reach the table?

         OMG !!! When I saw this on the news this morning, I just about thought...well can't say that here. Two doctors were also brought on, against the soup companies !
    What about Parental responsibility? The little boy who was burned and the burns looked awful, needed three or four skin grafts. This little guy was three years old. How many responsible parents take soup from a microwave and stick it, as is in front of a child who can barely reach the table? Worse than that, the mom says she turned her back and her daughter passed it to him, so again, who is responsible. This was an accident, plain and simple. Painful I'm sure and I'd be mad as hell if it happened to my child-but I would be mad at me because I didn't do what was right.
    That parent should not have even put it close to the child until she put it in another dish and cooled it off. What the freak is the matter with this? Blame a soup company because you are not doing what you should be doing?
   There is such a thing as preventative measures. What did mom do first to prevent her son from this terrible accident?
     Did she:
                        leave it on the counter to cool off
                        Put in into another bowl to cool off
                        Stay with it herself- or-
                        leave it on the table and walk away/turn her back ?
  Responsibility in today's society is-get a lawyer ! Whatever she wins and she probably will as a nuisance suit, should go into an account until the child is twenty-one. He suffered, just him.

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