Saturday, March 16, 2013

God uses Good but Bad Use God

       As usual I grabbed a cup of coffee which I'm trying to quit, and put the a.m. TV on. An old movie station came on with Jimmy Stewart who played Mattie Appleyard. Never heard of it, but what I did hear hit me. A narrator said, " God uses the good, and the bad use God. The movie was near the end but the good guy won. Sure they do just about every time. But is that in real life?
        Honestly I think so. No matter what difficulties we go through, God's plan come out on top. As I write this I think of all of the horrible things that happen to us and never makes sense. Why do the good die young ? What about innocent babies being born with diseases and having to fight for every breath? I don't know. Yet it seems in those battles you know who your real friends are compared to the nosiest people.
     The good come and want to help, while the other want to look. The good donate time, money and prayers, whatever they can offer. The bad walk away.
Then we have wars. Why? To enrich the egos of men ? Do the good win, God people? I don't know but the answers are probable close. We just don't look in the right direction. Remember, God uses the good.

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