Sunday, March 3, 2013

Before U Die , Get Ready For ---

       Do you know how or when you'll die? Some people have an idea if stricken with a terminal disease and have time to prepare. But what if you're not prepared? Is your life right with God and your family?
    Who do you consider family? Is it brothers and sisters/parents who have done nothing but wrong to you or is it, those other people? The people who are you're friends, and even almost invisible friends, like special neighbors and people who may have helped you without giving it a second thought? Old friends no more? What about them? Or do you think about enemies; everyone who has only done harm in your life? Well Get rid of those thoughts.
    I listened to Jerry Lewis last night on PBS and he handed out some great advice as one who has lived a long and experienced life. Those are the people you want to listen to. He had a twenty-year break in friendship over what he said was something stupid but when he and Dean MArtin renewed teh friendship they spoke every day after that until Dean died.
     Kids, and moms and dad in your mid-years, listen to your elders is still great advice. Growing up I was very close to a Chinese family and one of the younger sisters was teased a lot because her father owned a Chinese laundry. However one day her brother walked over to where she was being bullied at, close to the school building. Very quietly he told his sister, but loud enough for the bullies to hear, Sister, remember what Grandfather told us, we will just put a curse on them and he put his arm on her shoulder and ushered her away.
   He and I talked the next Saturday night when I went to pick up shirts for my brothers and myself. I asked him about the curse. He said, Grandfather said, choose words wisely, make them short, and they will believe, so I said that about the curse and in school when one boys pants zipped ripped he grabbed it and looked at my sister. She just started at him but he didn't bother her again and it was the same for a few more. He old me though, he did believe in advice from his grandparents because they knew even better than his parents.
   Heck, I knew that part a long time ago. My grandmother always told me about people going to hell who hurt children, and about children who get hurt will have a special place in Heaven. Okay I had  a place reserved, but then I grew up, so what happens now grandma I asked her one day. She said you are responsible for yourself and to make sure as long as you can to protect your children.
   I deeply loved and respected my grandmother and like many elders, they too made mistakes and as we know a mistake is what happens such as spilling milk, not something you do over and over. That's either stupidity, greed, or ya just don't want to learn. Guilty, guilty, guilty!  So I ask myself is it time ? Ya bet yer butt it is. time to get it all right. When is your time?

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