Saturday, March 2, 2013

AML-8 Types, Deadly

      Recently a young guy I knew passed away from AML, a type of cancer/leukemia that studies show, if you're very young or older than sixty, your chance of survival is higher, but if you're between twenty-five and forty-five you have a five window and the chances are higher you won't live.
     Last night I was talking to my friend who just lost her son, and her husband was killed two days before her son died. The enormous grief, I can't imagine.
She taught me, that there is more than one type of AML. Sandy let me know about eight different types of AML. She is sitting and reading all about this now as she did before her son died. But then is was mainly about the type her son had.
      She is returning to work next week. How does a grief stricken parent go on. Yes, I know, a day at a time. But I wonder about cancer research. Where are we?

      My first memory of cancer was so many years ago, I was just a child. Cancer research has come a long way, but why aren't we told enough. Oh sure every so often we hear a little bit but even then it's just something like, detection early for survival. That is great, but what about a cure?  A cure for cancer so people don't even have to go through it.

       A guest doctor was on the Dr. OZ show a few days ago. He stated that he and Dr. OZ are outdated about cancer. He stated invasive procedures make cancers spread, that if left alone they will just go away. I wouldn't want to take that chance. But what he did say and what we are learning is we are born with cancer cells, so in order to not let them grow, we need to eat what God provides, not food with preservatives, and not food that has been altered, frozen,  or colored such as cereals.
      Me? I'm still working on it, a day at a time.

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