Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Exercise Videos Background Music

   Before you buy an exercise video, try to hear the background music. They suck! Even today on the Live Well Network, why must they add pain in the ass background music. It's so repetitive and maybe it's just me that, that crapola affects and i find myself concentrating on that crapola instead of what the conversation is about. I enjoy the LWN, but this idea of adding  tapping, knocking, drumming, beating, sounds is just not needed. Do they think the music will distract and then you'll listen more, NO, not me! That's why we have remotes, to switch quickly! I bought one video titled PINK. It was on Dr. Phil-what an idiot! The background music is awful! Who Needs it?
  No more for me, unless I hear it first. So does anyone wants this video? It is grating!!!

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