Saturday, March 2, 2013

Missing Brooklyn

      A few weeks ago NY had a snow storm that kept me away. At the time I was going to see my friend who just lost her son and husband two days apart. We heard very little, almost nothing about snow. It ended up it was a good thing I didn't go. Finances took care of a much need car repair and after that I need another issue taken care of. This all taught me once again, save for emergencies, if possible.
    I miss Brooklyn so much but priorities have to come first. When I am able to go up, the first place I'm going to is to see my friend, then off to The Salty Dog. If you haven't been there, go! Ask for Larry. He's my favorite waiter and he has a female counterpart whose name escapes me at the moment, but she is as great as he is.
   I'm listening to Barbara Mandrell singing Happy Birthday  Dear Heartache and that's how it feels to miss Brooklyn. I'm going to go a step further and ask you to do something for me, a stranger.
   Please take a few minutes and see and buy something from   I have for sale totes, walker bags and bibs(have to repost those), , a beautiful green polka dot 3 piece set and much more.
      I am tweeting this as I had to make changes when I first put this out in 2013.

Update on my friend. She is now alone, estranged from what is left of her family because she tries to help so often, it has put her in a very sad position in life. At 69 years old she needs to move to Brooklyn as her landlord is selling his house in S.I. Howeveer she is retired and needs to ve close to her elderly mother who depends on her daughter to take her to teh doctor, prescriptions etc. The mother lives in a senior apartment building so it isn't like my friend can move in there. She very much needs a one bedroom, so if anyone has one at a decent rent, not more than 1300. in Bay Ridge, first floor and accepts small pets, please contact me by way of
Thank you and Happy New Year

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