Saturday, March 16, 2013

Greenhouses in Schools-an Answer

     A year ago I asked the local schools why they don't have gardens which would be used well for kids who want to learn culinary art or gardening and even social work. I was told because we don't have summer school so no one to attend any gardens.
    My idea is to start building Greenhouses at schools. If they have so much money to build many outdoor stadiums for football, and scholarships for sports, why not take some of that money and build a healthy future? An academic school could also work with a vocational school in the building process. In addition I know places such as Lowe's and Home Depot give donations and or charge a lesser amount for supplies.
    Let students who want to go into architecture put their time and value ie. credits into these projects.Get some of those fat coaches into these projects. Let's go AMERICA. BUILD GREENHOUSES IN SCHOOLS. This could also be a use for community gardens. Older people and people who love gardening would love to volunteer. Yes, I know everyone needs background checks, and that's fine. But look at it this way. Community building is about people building . Let the young learn from the old and the old from the young.
     This can be done. It can improve community relationships and school finances at the same time. I know my school district has a lot of property they don't use, they just mow.(talk about waste) Start now. Go to your school and ask why not. Junk out, happy bodies in. Happy bodies are healthy bodies.
    One last thought. This seems off the topic but it isn't. There are many so called "different" kids in school who are bullied because they are so different. Do you know what kind of talents those kids have. Let them hang out in the gardens with the poplar kids. See who learns from whom and mix it up with good adults and what do you have? The best and healthiest salad you can ever imagine!

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