Monday, March 18, 2013

Eric Holder Hates Home Schooling

 Germany, Sweden and Eric Holder. If Eric Holder wants to use Germany and Sweden as models then he and his kids, sorry kids, but I bet you are grown and so it doesn't pertain to you anymore, or Eric Holder is so busy he isn't able to home school, so move Eric Holder to Germany or Sweden.
     Children are removed from parents homes when they don't comply. Not in every case, but one family in Germany lost custody but allowed the kids to remain at home. Another family lost their children to foster care in Sweden because the parents home schooled.
    What is Eric Holder afraid of, taxes? I don't know because even if you don't have kids in school you still pay school taxes. Who is he to tell us how to educate our kids?
   Hey ERIC! How about all of those repeat and long time welfare offenders ?Force them to go back to school and not paid for by the state either, but the same way most people go back to school, loans and grants. What are you afraid of? Kids are being educated, loved, individually cared for , and not bullied or eating junk food for lunch and possible have religious instruction to boot?
   Do you think we'll have teachers no longer employed? NO we won't. Not many parents are able to home school, but those who are, leave them the hell alone !!!

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