Friday, March 15, 2013

Organic Beef ?

       Do you know who Bill Curtis is? He was a reporter a few years back and he retired to run his ranch and raise beef. His cattle are all organic. Fed and raised on the ranch, restaurants all over the US ordered his beef.
    Off hand I don't remember the name of the ranch, but if you google Bill Curtis ranch, it will come up. When you shop for beef make sure you ask where it comes from and if it's prepackaged, read the labels closely  Raised on grass is the way you should go. It's what cattle eat to stay healthy.
     I love a good steak, but more and more am working on a plant based way of life. It's worth it. Yet, every so often it feels good to eat a nice fat steak, so I make sure it's grass fed. Side dishes? A sweet potato and asparagus. Can't beat it.

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