Friday, March 8, 2013

Where's Gloria Z? Brooklyn NY

      Maybe this isn't the right way to go about it, but it can't hurt. As time leaves us quickly, I think of old friends and times long ago. I grew up on a cobblestoned street in Bay Ridge Brooklyn and my friends were not the "usual." For what ever reason I attracted and was attracted to kids and adults who many didn't bother with.
       My first, special friend was Gloria Zaugg. She was known then as a deaf mute, and was a few years older than I was, but that never mattered. I enjoyed communicating , playing dolls and just hanging out with Gloria. I hated when people called her, the dummy. I hated them. To this day I don't understand why people are deliberatley mean to one another except as life teaches us, it makes them feel good.
      But Gloria was very good with mouthing her words and you knew you were cursed out when she started. Her best was calling people , Bastards. That she said almost clear. People would laugh when she spoke those words. I would stop and wonder why or how she could say that but not other, regular words. As our friendship grew, I learned she could say in her way, other words, but not ever enough to change the fact that she was still deaf and mute.
     Gloria was built like a Scandanavian Viking. She was very strong and loved to run and throw a ball. We had so much fun. If it was playing dolls or making faces at boys, we knew we had a special friendship.
      The time came when my family moved and she and I lost touch. I heard a few years later she married and had a baby, but you know as is natural, people wonder what happend to those long lost friends, if their life was as good as yours, or better, maybe worse. All I would like to know is, was she happy. If you know about Gloria, please let me know at
P.S. Sometimes friends are better than family

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