Tuesday, February 26, 2013

"Jewish" Prisoners "entitled" to ?

      Okay So I remember when Sammy Davis converted to Judaism, but what's happening in York Pa in the York county prison is a joke and it's on the tax payers.
    When will prisoners be treated like prisoners and not like victims. Prisoners have more rights than anyone I know. WHY??? A person goes to prison because of  a crime he or she committed but receives  a vacation instead. I know. We all know this by now. What will it take to stop and treat prisoners as they deserve?

      This is why many people don't have any fear of going to jail. What law abiding citizens can afford college, cable, a gym, free food, medical attention, dental attention, glasses and so much more. Prisoners take away the rights and violate law abiding citizens only to enjoy many more right in prison.

   Now they "claim" to be Jewish. Well save taxpayer money and send them to Israel-NOW! Lets see them break the law over there. It used to be many were converted to the Muslim religion while in prison, next it will be Hindu, although...

   So if they have just converted to Judaism since prison, I think they need to all be circumcised, number one. Let's bring in the man to do the job-yes lets start there. Let's get a Mohel, pronounced (moyle) He'll know excatly how to Handle the situation.
  Dietary laws if allowed, should have to followed to the letter but proof of conversion must be met. If Jewish before prison a man must be born by birth canal by a Jewish woman. So how to prove conversion, find a rabbi and plan. There are Rabbi's in York. Do they speak the language? attend services? dress in the same manner, limited contact unless supervised, with the opposite sex, and what about hair ? I don't claim to know a lot but I do know most of these prisoners are lying. Grow as much food as they can. Make them work in the gardens, but really, are you kidding? This is just more crapola, send them all to Israel.

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