Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Repair This, WIth Ron Myrnes

        Okay, so it's early and Ron isn't here yet, but he isn't supposed to be until ten. Today Ron is coming to do small plumbing repairs, but something I couldn't do. This guy surprises me every time. I know he doesn't usually do the following but he did to help me out.

       He put my story photos into files for the printer. One day chatting a little about word and pdf's my concern was making corrections once in a pdf file, so Ron offered to do this for me, said he knew how and it worked. With a lot  patience and time I have the proof of the Jelly Bean Forest, story book.  It will be ready for sale in tow to three weeks. Without Ron's knowledge and help, this project would not have made it by Easter 2013.
     With e mails back and forth between mainly Ron and the printer, success and ready to sell. Thank You Ron. I look forward to a new awning and repairing the front step and more as Spring gets closer.

     This book will be republished in it's original art works size for Christmas. Red and green jelly bean and a book on how they grow:)

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