Tuesday, February 12, 2013

Cancer, Kids, Food and Chemo

       I have to start this by mentioning kids. Why do kids get cancer? I know, you're think why does anyone get cancer? I want to make as much of this positive. Look at all of the kids at St. Judes hospial for children, so imagine a hospital for kids with cancer? That's a lot of kids, and Thank you Danny Thomas and Marlo Thomas for keeping this hospital free of charge for families.
       So is it nature vs. nurture concerning getting cancer at such a young age. When we take into account the surroundings of where and how children grow, how they eat, play and what they live close to, I think how much society has to fight to be aware, learn and educate themselves concerning treatments and prevention, with prevention first.

     I do think prevention is possible and while this is just a personal opinion I wonder how many people who get cancer and live in cities live longer than the same people who live in the country, surrounded by views more pleasant, air which is cleaner, more fresh foods, seemingly less stress. I wonder. I would love to see studies done, yet at what cost?

    Do you remember hearing about, The Blue Zones?  People who live in the blue zones are less likely to have cancer and less chance of heart disease. Stress is less. This Saturday I am restarting my own life and will try to live the third part of my life as those in the blue zone. I will have removed one serious stressor, and introduce a way of living I started last year, but let that go and brought a stress back into my life.

    We can control many stresses, and it's up to our own priorities.  Children should be taught from day one about Blue zone living and live lives as they were meant to be, away from hospitals, away from Chemo, x-rays- and all that stuff that adds to a less happier way of life later on.
     Moms and dads, it's never too late. Well I am off to dust off my bike, Saturday, here I come :)

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