Thursday, January 31, 2013

GoodBye Kevin and Dick

       How does a person say good-bye to a fantastic guy like Kevin? We don't, we can't.
      Kevin pased away this morning and his father passed away two days ago. Kevin was fighting AML with the fight of a warrior. He loved life,his daughter, his mom and grandmothers so much. Kevin had so many friends, possibly beyond what you could count.
   He was tall, good looking, smart and funny, and he was also loyal. Kevin fought and fought, as hard as he loved. At one point he was able to return to work which gave us all hope that he would beat this horrible cancer.
    I remember a time when Kevin joined his mom, my daughter Jenny and another friend from Brooklyn at the Salty Dog. He introduced me to his daughter saying this is my moms friend Nancy, also known as crazy woman. We all laughed as he was so right. He took time to stop in, say hello and grab abite to eat. I loved seeing Kevin when ever I got to visit Sandy. He was like my other son.
     Some time ago my son Mike stood with Kevin in Sandy's Kitchen in Brooklyn side by side. Sandy and I looked at each other as one of the boys said, well, looks like we take after our moms, and Kev, you said, Amazons? Mike said well I can't say about your mom, but mine is a viking? But we all laughed. I am going to miss you a lot Kevin as will everyone. Your spirit reaches further than the horizon.
    I can see you in heaven riding a Pinto horse with all of your Native American spirits. You are welcomed and loved... but left a trail of sorrow here.
    God has now enveloped you in his arms. Silent Night Kev. I love you big guy.
       Dick, I guess it was too hard to know your son was leaving you and so God took you home. I remember some great and funny times with you Dick. We had a ball and you taught me things.  I was jealous at times of your energy. You would run out Sunday morning when I stayed over, bought the paper, rolls and cheese. You always asked if I wanted something while you were at the store. But boy were you fast, and that's retired?
    Dick I know you're probably wearing an old mailman's uniform up there once you get settled in, and delivering to the angels. When the mail slows down you'll proudly wear your Navy uniform. I have a picture of you from one on your stand in the living room on 83rd st.  But for now you're probably driving on up in an eighteen wheeler. You were the guy to get directions from. You loved movies and John Wayne, and most of all your family, Hand in hand, arm in arm, you will help carry Kevin into the waiting arms of Jesus. Good Night Dick. I love you too.

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