Sunday, January 27, 2013

Eggs, A Teen saves Family! What a kid !

       Now this is what's right about some kids. You know what I mean. We find fault with society concerning all of the rights of kids, parental priorities concerning how to need a certain amount of money because of things, or wanting those things. Yes I know too, many times it is necessary for two parents to work, and in this family it wasn't any different.

    The father worked for a utility company and the mother worked as a pharmacist while the teen aged daughter went to school. This story was on the Sunday Morning show.

    One day mom found herself sick, struggling to walk, not able to feed herself, dress herself and more. She had Multiple Sclerosis and spent all of her time laying down on the sofa and ended up in a nursing home. The parents decided not to tell their young teen what was wrong, yet she knew and she also knew things were getting tough. This kid decided to do something about it. What a kid!

    She went to her grandmother who gave her a loan. This young girl worked out all of the numbers, costs to do what she wanted to do, and so she bought chickens. Yes, she started an EGG BUSINESS ! Last year she made 15,000. which saved the home and family. Mom is back home and much better. Dad gives his daughter all the credit for, as he stated, "keeping the wolves away from the door."
   This teen is now saving for college as the help isn't any longer needed. Yet she says, it's there for mom and dad if they do need it. Now this is a kid with values. What would your child do in the same situation?

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