Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Whole Foods, Patience & Television?

      I was going to start my evening by cleaning up this blog and deleting a few things meant to be on here only for a short time, but in a short time this afternoon, I went into what I now realize is  the loss of a well known friend, Television.
     It was a way of compromising. Well more than that; I caved and let my TV go to another room, not mine. The reasons and for whom are not important now, but it's gone, really gone. An old and out-dated model I know now how food and television messed me up.
     During the evening as I sat at the computer my thoughts raced back and forth to TV and food. Here's how it went:

    Eyes darting to one side in the direction of the kitchen, then thoughts of my friendly TV, back and forth actually  mentally listing what's in the fridge. Now saying to myself, I was making changes anyway to whole foods, getting back to Forks over Knives and again my eyes dart to the kitchen thinking and almost smelling. Smelling what I don't know or care, just smelling and hoping I remembered what it was like. Food? TV?
   No, they had to be together. It was like a marriage and now I'm divorced. This time though I didn't need  a lawyer. Finally I told myself to just shut-up!
   But no, I couldn't turn my thoughts off, so not only did I g back to memorizing what was in the fridge, but how good those foods went with certain TV shows. Again, shut up will you! Just shush! So finally I did, but I started checking on line new televisions so I would have one Friday night and watch Blue Blood, with ice cream and even better, scrambled eggs. Oh I need patience and maybe an intervention-or maybe, just maybe a TV, a small one. Anyone.. Anyone?

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