Monday, January 14, 2013

Children's Values, THINGS or PEOPLE

        If you are about to become  a new parent, please teach your children about the value in people not things. I don't want to preach here, yet I guess I am. When it comes to gifts children get, and clothes they wear, their values are all inside out and upside down.
        It's never too late. It really isn't and may be hard to take away that gaming hand held device you bought "because all the kids have them" which doesn't make sense and you want a child who is a carbon copy or do you? Start now. A day a week, then two then three and finally it's one day a week they get to use them.
       Yes, it's rough if you work or are a single parent who comes home dog-tired and you don't want to do anything with your child as far as entertainment, so here are a few helps:
     Have cards or game night. Start early, make sandwiches for supper, egg salad, tune, or pb&j on that night. You can even invite another neighbor child over and you can rest.
     Have a library night or day, mid-week and Saturday. Saturdays the library usually has something going on, like reading dogs and I know age makes a difference.
    Look into knitting for all ages and if you can't afford it, look into meet-up groups in your neighborhood. Just go to yahoo or google, search  meet-up groups.
    Church: many have mid week bible studies and teen groups that don't seem and aren't bible thumping as many might think.
     Start walking the high school track, or biking on a trail. Biking doesn't have to be expensive. Check out TOMY brands. An ad should be listed and shown. All positive suggestions. Outdoors and exercise go hand in hand with fun and freedom.
    Buy a camera-let him or her learn early on appreciating what's around them and let them enter contests.

    Teach your kids to help neighbors and at recycling places, food banks
become a hospital junior volunteer.
     Get in touch with a close friend and ask for help and suggestions.
Most of all get them a hobby, painting, carpentry, knitting, guitar, writing (which is free) and let them read a good book. Good luck, I know it isn't easy.
     Food, easy tip ideas: Make a crock pot of stew, two night meals and later a crick of chicken breasts. You can make on tottilla wraps shredded chicken with lettuce and tomato, or rice, chicken and beans with leftovers.
    Buy a kids health cook book and use it in a way to arrange short cuts in your own way.

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