Friday, January 4, 2013

Long Term Ins. Stress, Caretakers

   It cost about 7000.00 a year for long term insurance. I put that in the actual number so as to wake us up , possibly? So much information is on public education right now and I feel I should post what I can.
  Right now a single woman without children in her late fifties has put money aside for long term care and her employer adds to some kind of care help. But That is rare. What if any preparations have you made.
   Some time ago I helped an  elderly woman who not only had Parkinson's but dementia and she did pass away a year ago, however the stress her husband went through in keeping her home was awful to watch and listen to. I would hear him yelling on the phone to different people who didn't have anything to do with his wife illness. He was trying to save his home and not lose it all to health care. I agree. If that's possible great, if not, what does a family do?
    He was able to pay by the hour to get people from a personal care service to come in three hours a day. Yet some times he would forget to write a check
thinking he paid, all due to stress. I understand how that goes. I don't want to burden my children to take care of me, but I also want to leave them some financial resources before the end. So what do I do? I prepare now. I look around at nursing home if I need that, the cheap one-lol-and I make sure funeral and burial arrangements are made-but again cheap is the way to go-ashes to ashes. Yup, cremation.
         Rhode Island has a program to pay  "Right at Home" care givers 1300. a month to stay home and care for family. Most are family or close neighbors or friends who do the care taking. That's a great program, But how many can stomach all that personal stuff along with a feeling of being trapped by a parental illness. Give them permission before anything happens to find the least expensive care, stop in when they have time, but first and always live their own lives . Then theirs hospice. Home or a facility? For me a facility. Let the kids last memories at home be happier times. Well that's enough talk about death, sickness and caretakers-this is stressful :)

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