Thursday, December 20, 2012

You need your parents to what !!! But NOT to do what???

You know you live in a Country run by idiots if...
You have to have your parents signature to go on a school field trip but not to get an abortion.

       Okay so most of us know this by now, but someone sent this to me with a buncj of other, You know you live in a country...etc etc etc.  Some problems with getting those messages are the peopel who send them are so judgemental  and we don't know how they live, what's in their closet. I just do think though that as people get older, they/we think we just better, more perfect, but all that we are is older and because of that, more experienced. I know many, well never mins, a few who do seem to be perfect people to me and I'm happy to know them and yet I doubt even in the positions in life they hold, they would not be this judgemental.
       Just maybe the idiots are people who caim to be such perfect Christians, yet are haters, of the government and more. I know who sends this to me and I care about him deeply-but wow! He is two side of a dull coin.
 Peace out-good will to all men and women.:)

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