Friday, December 14, 2012

Shooter into School-kid asks, who's to BLAME?

     Yes, I realize we don't know yet and so many are guessing but I bet many are thinking the same thing and many are still wondering;How did he get in if his mother wasn't there? How or why was this young man allowed into and elementary school? My guess? They knew him, plain and simple.
     Most people are basically friendly, and I know at a local High School I go to many times because I have kids there that I meet with in some aspect or another, I am easily allowed in. If I say I have an appointment, I'm buzzed in and sometimes, I get buzzed in as soon as they see me over the screen. It isn't checked until I am in the outer office that I actually have an appointment.
    So was this similar to today? Was this young guy let in because they knew him and thought he was just stopping by to visit.
    The young boy I care for asked me tonight, so who do you think is to blame? for this happening. Blame is seen very different by people who accept blame and people who love to blame others-in my opinion. I let him know, my feeling was without knowing all the facts yet, maybe who ever didn't lock up guns and bullets separately and then hide the keys elsewhere. I just spoke with my son a few nights ago about guns, safety and a hunter who accidental killed his child forgetting he had a bullet left in the chamber. It was a long discussion. I think women hate guns more than men.
    Anyway, this young boy in my home feels it was the fault of the school because they let him in. I then told him it is solely the fault for now of the shooter who also proved what a coward he is by taking his own life. Okay maybe it's going to come out he was mentally ill and maybe a doctor or shrink of some sort knew the possibility of today's action. Yet many times no matter who we are, we end up saying, if only I knew, If only I saw the signs. But we don't think to look for signs when we help people no matter what position we're in, every single time.
    Who's to blame? Does it matter now? Yes, and right now is when people need to make different plans for allowing people into schools, sadly just as they do onto planes? Make a meeting room so that people can't get any further that a certain dividing space between classes and a reception area. No wonder more parents are home schooling children. It isn't only what kids see and do in school, it's who comes into their schools to do it to them.

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