Tuesday, December 18, 2012

He thinks we should, "JUST FORGET"

     Everyone has an opinion about The tragedy of December 14th at Sandy Hook elementary school. A teen in my care said this morning as more news came on about this horrible day, "I think we should just forget it and they should stop talking about it." My reply was, we should never stop talking about it and what if that was your family? No answer right away. Then he said, what good does it do, and I explained what good we hope it does.
     This is a kid who did not grow up with his own parents and does not have empathy for anyone except himself. There isn't any way to get him to understand or care and is this a concern for the future? Yes, but what can we do about it now. Educate, change laws, report and go back. Go back to a time when we had prayer in schools, and discipline was a matter of parental right, when mostly all of us went to church.
    With all of the changes that have come about the last thirty or forty years, and kids having more rights and parents less, what has happened? As a nation of compassion, understanding, helping, we have also weakened. Look at the families who stop trying, children in special behavioral schools, special classes for those who don't behave. Has that all come to be since parents lost the right to parent? Has it happened because atheists have more rights than those who are not atheists?
    I'm not suggesting to leave compassion, understanding and helping at your own front door, but we have to stop talking and start doing, start to make the changes. Maybe it can only start now with young parents. Take your kids to church, pray at meals, discipline, find positive activities, help those in need and teach your kids to help, not hurt. We all say, something has to be done, changes need to be made. When?

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