Wednesday, December 12, 2012

SOY 30% prevents Breast cancer and not so good for...

    There is good soy and soy which isn't so good. I am taking this from Dr. Oz guest. This woman ( a nutritionist ) is telling us SOY prevents Breast cancer by 30% but isn't good for thyroid disease, and  a very important note is there are different kinds of SOY which help and or hinder your health. Many studies come from Japan.
     More and more I am interested in living a healthier way of living. In an earlier segment I saw the liver of  a dead person which had ballooned up due to fat, causing Sclerosis of the liver, and yet other person died due to blood clots in the lungs which came from the leg sue to high blood pressure.

   BACK to SOY:

    Worst: energy bars, soy chips, check ingredients
    Good: Tofu, edamane-

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