Monday, December 10, 2012

Reverend Joe and The Road Crew

Read about Marty's gut wrenching pain in this first book,( Grab a tissue) and how secrets of some of the road crew catch up to them one by one as told to the boss, Big Mike. Is Reverend Joe's secret worse than the others?  Put an Irish accent in as you read the grave digger's story as he tells what happened to his mother when the mob was going to tear her home down and how he solved taking care of his dear old mum. There's fun, tears, friendship like no other, murder, connections never broken, love and the possibility of a future love.
That's in book two due out in March.
     An unexpected love which brings out the pain of the past and hope and love for the future when one of the crew thinks he sees someone from a long time ago while working on the new site downtown Manhattan. The road crew battle a well known builder, who has more money than even he knows about and whose son disappeared four years earlier. What does the the Road Crew find when digging up old concrete, or who?

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